Next week will be our assembly. Please come and enjoy this with us.
Mrs C has asked that we get all our library books back. Mrs G has organised a prize IF we get ALL our books returned!
We are also having fun getting ready for Christmas (Mrs G's favourite time of year). We have already been working on making an awesome fire-place which we now have set up in our class library for Santa. Hopefully we can get a Christmas tree set up next week to go with it.
Some of room 4/7 have asked to do some new book reviews which they are enjoying. We have also been practising for the end of year concert. We have also been writing our Taimai Corkers which are stories we have made from retelling stories like the little red hen. We are very proud of them. We have also had a great time with Gina practising different sorts of throwing.
By Tylah, Jessica, Max & Mikara.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Project energize
A few pics of our kids practicing some athletics skills with Gina last week. Sorry my post is no where near as exciting as the kids!!!
Monday, 17 November 2014
Kids can cook
Here is a video that a group of children have been working on for Kids can Cook
Hope you enjoy
Hope you enjoy
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Week 5 Term 4
This week Room 7 has been to water safety and learnt lot’s of things to keep us safe in the water. We even got to use life jackets in the pool. Dana and Chloe took lots of photos and movie clips and Braeden, Jayden and Tylah made these into a movie trailer which is now on our blog. Please check it out!!!
On Wednesday we had KIDS CAN COOK with “master chef” and some of us went home and made the super yummy crepe again. We want to remind everyone we need to get our overdue Library books back!! With Gina we have been doing some scissor kicks to practice our high jumping. We have also been learning how to jump for distance as well. We had an awesome pet day last Friday, and lot’s of us won prizes at the Waimate show.
This week we have been finishing off our Kandinsky digital art and working on a Google presentation about Kandinsky to tell others all about what we have been learning and doing in class.
By Amelia, Te-Aorangi & Lani
Thursday, 6 November 2014
A few books reviews
Yesterday we got to play around with "Green screening". We had already be starting to record our book reviews to insert into our Google presentations but this was a cool opportunity to transport our reviewers right into the middle of their books!!! A big thank you to Mrs Stevenson for training up a room 2 student so they could help us. Check them out below!
Week 4 Term 4
This week we are soooooo excited about our schools pet day. We are all looking forward to making our vaseline saucers tomorrow morning. Mrs Gardiner says we will all need to bring flowers that we can pull the petals off and use for this. We have all enjoyed looking at Kandinsky and decorating some tins with these designs. We have also created some Kandinsky inspired fruit prints, and lots of us are creating digital versions as well.
We have also had a reading groups recording little puppet shows that tell us about the history of puppets. The rest of the class enjoyed playing with the puppets too. Other people have been working hard on finishing their book reviews that include a google presentation and video of them talking about the book.
Mrs Gardiner has also been working hard at putting our stories onto our individual pages so check these out!!!
Friday, 31 October 2014
Week 3 Term 4
This week we have continuing to look at measurement in maths. We have even been drawing pirate ships outside on the concrete to practice using the skills we have been practicing. This week we have also been looking at a famous abstract artist “Kandinsky” and have been re-creating our own pieces of work based on this. We are also looking forward to creating some recycled can art. Some of us still need to bring in cans for this.
This week we have all been working on our school devices. This is helping us to practice skills we have been working on with Mrs Gardiner and many of us have got certificates up in our room. We have also been looking at our class website which Mrs G has set up for us with useful links and which tells us what our tasks are in Maths and Reading. In writing we have been re-looking at including gems in our stories.
By Freedom, Lani, TeAorangi & Mrs G
Thursday, 23 October 2014
I'm SOOOOO Excited!!!
Wow ... What a great day we have had together today. That's not to say it didn't have its challenges. It certainly did, but we overcame them together. But here is a little background to these comments...
In the holidays all the computers at Ohaeawai Primary were given an overhaul. Old programs were removed and the new windows eight program was uploaded onto all - THIS INCLUDED ALL OUR NET-BOOKS !!! and what makes it even better is ... before the holidays, we had about 15 computers that were working reliably. Now we can each have our own device to work on !!! HOW COOL IS THAT !!!
Sorry for the over use of exclamation marks, I know it is grammatically not correct but it is just ... brilliant.
We are having a few teething problems with this however, especially when the usernames and passwords get changed on us and we aren't told what the new ones are, but here to hoping that it is now sorted and we just get clean sailing. Here are a few photos of our kids working. Using the same resources as before but being able to collaborate even more and help each other.
Take a look and see what you think.
I can't wait for tomorrow. Lets try Kahoot again for wordworks ... but this time those who want to compete on their own will be able to. OOOOHHHHH its just soooo exciting. Watch this space!
In the holidays all the computers at Ohaeawai Primary were given an overhaul. Old programs were removed and the new windows eight program was uploaded onto all - THIS INCLUDED ALL OUR NET-BOOKS !!! and what makes it even better is ... before the holidays, we had about 15 computers that were working reliably. Now we can each have our own device to work on !!! HOW COOL IS THAT !!!
Sorry for the over use of exclamation marks, I know it is grammatically not correct but it is just ... brilliant.
We are having a few teething problems with this however, especially when the usernames and passwords get changed on us and we aren't told what the new ones are, but here to hoping that it is now sorted and we just get clean sailing. Here are a few photos of our kids working. Using the same resources as before but being able to collaborate even more and help each other.
Take a look and see what you think.
I can't wait for tomorrow. Lets try Kahoot again for wordworks ... but this time those who want to compete on their own will be able to. OOOOHHHHH its just soooo exciting. Watch this space!
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Newsletter notes week 2 Term 4
We had a great assembly last week. This week we have finally been given our duffy books from term 3. This was super exciting. In the mornings we have been doing 3 minutes madness for maths which helps us practice our basic facts. We have been enjoying using Maths buddy and Read eggxpress. These help us practice things we have been working on in class. Mrs G says we should use these at home as well as they are great resources that normally cost allot of money.
by Jayden Mia & Antonio
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Greats and grans day!!!
All I can say is WHAT A GREAT DAY!
Here is a slide show of a few photos of our kids on the day. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Letter posting video
Here is the video we showed on Friday at our assembly of the children posting their Kereru letters to their pen friends. We have had such fantastic feed back and feed forward for this project.
I am looking forward to finding ways to share some of this with you.
I am looking forward to finding ways to share some of this with you.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Week 1 Term 4 Weekly update
This Friday it”s Greats and Grans Day the Juniors are doing some folk dancing. Room 4/7 have been doing some foot prints for Greats and Grans Day. We have been writing some our stories about our Grandparents. Bridget has been Teaching us some amazing things about bodies with Harold. We got some Harold Books from Bridget that have lots of fun activities.
Gina taught us some amazing things about running and we played some games with her. One of the game was about airplanes and you had to fly around with your arms dragging out behind you. There were people that were in and they had soft balls to hit you in the legs. We also had a Duffy assembly. They did a play about Uncle Bingo learning to love reading.
Sunday, 31 August 2014
Ohaeawai Science fair 2014
Recently Ohaeawai Primary held their school Science fair. This sees all the classes from year 0-6 conducting science experiments and writing these up. This is a summary of our classes learning and we have related it back to our term topic of looking at how technology helps us to learn/communicate with others both here and around the world. ENJOY!!!
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Elephant toothpaste
Here is a video of our class making elephant toothpaste. It was a fun experiment where we got to see an exothermic reaction ... A chemical reaction that gives off heat. After we did this ourselves we got to watch it done by science bob with much stronger hydrogen peroxide ... THAT WAS COOL!
Monday, 18 August 2014
Project energise
Today we had Gina pop in to work with us again. She came to our class today because it was so wet outside. Here are a few things we did together.
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Jessica's Blog update
This week we have been working with Monica Kerr on our awesome as maps, on cool as countries.
We have been working on lots of cool science experiments. Room 4/7 has also been making yummy ice cream with ice, salt, milk, and one large plastic bag and one small one. We have also been working on a amazing song called love the world. The class can't stop singing it. On Monday the kids were enjoying a wonderful play in Maori.
Room 4/7 being an ICT savvy classroom in an ICT savvy school
This video clip the kids are super excited about. Mrs G brought in her Ipad from home and used it to create a video or our classroom. This was to help us looks at ways and things we use technology for every day to help us learn. The silver moons reading group are super excited about how they are going to help Mrs G keep our blog updated so look out for their posts, AND PLEASE COMMENT so they can get feedback on the things they have written about. Thankyou.
Ice Cream Experiment presentation
On monday we had great fun making Ice Cream. Check out our Prezi which Freedom and Cyprus helped Mrs G create for our assembly on Friday.
Friday, 8 August 2014
Interactive whiteboard classroom advertisement
Thanks Whaea Sally for coming in and using our class as the subjects of your commercial making. It looks great and the kids all had fun contributing to the final product.
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
Padlet & Popplet
We have been trialing the use of Padlet as an brainstorming tool. Here is an example that we used to help us with our writing of letters. We think it will also help us when we are emailing people later in the term.
Created with Padlet
We have also been using Popplet to help sequence ideas and re-arrange information. These have been great for writing and for our word works. Take a look at what we did/ Aren't we clever!!!
Friday, 27 June 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Leaf lying
Leaf Lying
On Thursday Room 7 had a wonderful morning doing some more exciting environmental writing. We went outside again in the early morning and went walking through the rustling, crunchy leaves in our school playground. We collected some to observe and play with and lay down under a large tree that was loosing its leaves. This gave us the opportunity to watch the falling leaves (and when none were falling we were able to throw the ones we were holding up and watch to see how they fell.
This experience provided us with a real life experience to write about, and the children rose to the occasion, producing some exceptional examples.
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Week 4 Term 2
In Room 47 we have been looking at environmental writing and enjoying morning walks to motivate us in our writing. We had heaps of fun in the frost on Wednesday and in the leaves on Thursday. We have also been reading a Myth called “Tane and the Stars” and discussing how storytelling helps to pass on information about our past and the past of others. So it would be great if you have a family story that you could tell your child over the next week that they could then share with the class next Thursday/Friday. We will also try and record these stories, so if you and your family are happy to send along old photos/artifacts or even pictures of your child holding these items, this may help your child tell their story - This is only optional, but is a great opportunity for them to take a real interest in their family history. If you have any queries or concerns about this please feel free to email me.
Mrs Gardiner would also like us all to bring along a teddy bear tomorrow for a special surprise.
Frost walking

The children were super excited about the very fresh frost that was covering our school playground with many of them taking the opportunity to play around in it before the bell. Sliding, skidding and collecting icy particles... So instead of waiting untill tomorrow to do this type of writing (like I had planned) we did it today...
The children took off their socks, I (Mrs g) turned up the heater, they made sure they had all their jerseys and jackets on and were otherwise toasty and warm before we all lined up outside and I (Mrs g) helped to make sure long trousers were rolled up so they wouldn't get wet. We then all walked around the school finding patches of frost to run across before we would stand in sunny patches to warm our feet up again... then we did it all over again. Some children only wanted to do this once and this was fine as they got to watch from the court or bike trail where the frost didn't seen to have had the same effect...
Then we returned to the very toasty classroom to dry our feet, put our socks back on and before long we were all peeling off our extra jackets and jerseys because we were so cozy. We then discussed this experience in depth before we started some fantastic writing... here are some photos... many of them taken before school as I knew I had time to take some... thank you Mrs Stevenson for taking some of our class experience.
Running together through the frosty field
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Pioneer village trip
Today Room 47 & room 6 visited the Pioneer Village in Kaikohe because our topic this term is learning together about our past.
Here are a few snap shops of the day. Thanks heaps to all the parents who came and shared this experience with us. Mrs G
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