Now for those parent who looked at the ring of facts and thought they were 'easy' they may very well be, but they will get harder. Also the idea is that they must be able to answer them quickly (within 3 seconds - and without using fingers or counting on). The ones they get correct will end up with a stamp on but please keep practicing these each week, but if you are running short on time the you can focus on the ones that do not have stamps on.
Another good idea for the children with regards to these ring of facts is that they find 'family of facts', or when you hold up a card they tell you all the facts that are part of that family. This is something we have been working on in class.
A family of facts are facts that relate to each other. For most facts there are 4. Here is an example.
The reason we do this is so that children can see that these facts are linked and if they know one fact then they can use that to know the others