Sunday, 31 August 2014

Ohaeawai Science fair 2014

Recently Ohaeawai Primary held their school Science fair.  This sees all the classes from year 0-6 conducting science experiments and writing these up.  This is a summary of our classes learning and we have related it back to our term topic of looking at how technology helps us to learn/communicate with others both here and around the world.   ENJOY!!!

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Elephant toothpaste

Here is a video of our class making elephant toothpaste.  It was a fun experiment where we got to see an exothermic reaction ... A chemical reaction that gives off heat.  After we did this ourselves we got to watch it done by science bob with much stronger hydrogen peroxide ... THAT WAS COOL!

Monday, 18 August 2014

Project energise

Today we had Gina pop in to work with us again.  She came to our class today because it was so wet outside.  Here are a few things we did together.


Thursday, 14 August 2014

Jessica's Blog update

This week we have been working with Monica Kerr on our awesome as maps, on cool as countries.
We have been working on lots of cool science experiments.  Room 4/7 has also been making  yummy ice cream with ice, salt, milk, and one large plastic bag and one small one. We have also been working on a amazing song called love the world.  The class can't stop singing it.  On Monday the kids were enjoying a wonderful play in Maori.

Room 4/7 being an ICT savvy classroom in an ICT savvy school

This video clip the kids are super excited about.  Mrs G brought in her Ipad from home and used it to create a video or our classroom.  This was to help us looks at ways and things we use technology for every day to help us learn.  The silver moons reading group are super excited about how they are going to help Mrs G keep our blog updated so look out for their posts, AND PLEASE COMMENT so they can get feedback on the things they have written about.  Thankyou.

Ice Cream Experiment presentation

On monday we had great fun making Ice Cream. Check out our Prezi which Freedom and Cyprus helped Mrs G create for our assembly on Friday.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Interactive whiteboard classroom advertisement

Thanks Whaea Sally for coming in and using our class as the subjects of your commercial making.  It looks great and the kids all had fun contributing to the final product.
